A Sample Testing Week for Intermediates

This testing week evaluates strength, endurance, and work capacity. It highlights multiple fitness domains and provides insights into where to focus training efforts.

Monday: Upper Body Strength and Muscular Endurance

  • A1. Weighted Dip: Build to a maximum weight with a full range of motion.
  • A2. Weighted Chin-Up: Build to a max weight, strict form, throat to bar.
  • B. Sorensen Max Hold: Maintain position on a Glute-Ham Developer (GHD) with your body parallel to the ground, chin tucked, and hands at temples.
  • Conditioning Test:
    • For time: 21-18-15-12-9 reps of kettlebell swings (1.5 pood/1 pood) and push-ups.


  • Record max weights and times to set benchmarks for strength and endurance.
  • Prioritize deep range of motion on dips and use a strict chin-up technique for accurate retesting.


  • We are looking at the structural balance between pushing and pulling patterns. Based on the results, the coach will determine if there is a pressing or pulling priority.
  • The conditioning test will serve as an initial baseline for further retests. The client needs to note whether they were able to go unbroken and have fast transitions between exercises.

Tuesday: Lower Body Strength and Core Stability

  • A. Dumbbell Rear-Foot Elevated Split Squat (DB RFESS) @ 3010 Tempo: Find your 8-rep max power leg.
  • B. Side Plank: Max hold on each side.
  • Conditioning Test:
    • 1-minute Echo Bike for max calories.
    • Rest for 3 minutes. Repeat for a second round.


  • Use a stable bench or platform for the RFESS, ensuring your rear foot is elevated at knee height, and your lunging knee touches the ground.
  • The side plank assesses lateral core strength, which is critical for injury prevention and overall stability.


  • Good single-leg squatters are great double-leg squatters, but not vice versa. People with divergent scores between single and double leg have a more significant risk profile for knee, hip, and lower back issues.
  • The conditioning test looks at the power that the person can endure and then repeats for a second time. Some people will produce a lot of power but not have a robust enough aerobic system to recover in time for the second test. These people need more aerobic work. 
  • Another group of people are “dampened” and unable to produce enough power on either test and need more anaerobic work.

Wednesday: Aerobic Endurance

  • For Time: 5k Run


  • Aim to maintain a consistent or slightly negative split pace.
  • This test provides insights into aerobic capacity and pacing strategy, which is critical for endurance athletes.

Friday: Lower Body Strength and Work Capacity

  • A. Back Squat: Build to a maximum weight.
  • B. Back Squat @ 30X0 Tempo (AMRAP): Perform as many reps as possible at 85% of your max from part A.
  • Conditioning Test:
    • For time:
      • 50 double-unders, 10 burpees
      • 40 double-unders, 10 burpees
      • 30 double-unders, 10 burpees
      • 20 double-unders, 10 burpees
      • 10 double-unders, 10 burpees


  • Strict adherence to tempo in AMRAP back squats ensures quality over quantity.
  • Conditioning tests coordination, endurance, and grit.


  • The 85% test analyzes the person's Neuromuscular Endurance (NME)
    • High NME = 1-3 reps
    • Moderate NME = 4-7 reps
    • Low NME = 8+ reps
  • The NME score will dictate appropriate strength training tactics and percentages for optimal progress.
  • The conditioning test analyzes how someone does with a breathing challenge and a moderate skill activity. This allows the coach to understand if the client has the competency to challenge skills in an aerobic setting.

Saturday: Upper Body Strength and Aerobic Power

  • A. Close Grip Bench Press (16” grip): Build to a max weight @ 30X1 tempo.
  • B1. Dumbbell External Rotation @ 3010 Tempo: Find an 8-rep max.
  • B2. Dumbbell Powell Raise @ 3010 Tempo: Find an 8-rep max.
  • Conditioning Test:
    • For time: 2,000-meter row.
  • Bonus Test: 10-minute AMRAP of Step-Down Box Jumps (24 inches).


  • Rotator cuff and shoulder stability exercises (B1 and B2) prevent injuries and improve pressing mechanics.
  • The row and AMRAP test aerobic power, pacing, and mental resilience.


  • We compare someone’s close grip bench press with their dumbbell external rotation and powell raise. Anyone below 10% needs to strengthen their rotator cuff muscles.

How Testing Guides Progress

  1. Personalized Adjustments
    Testing identifies areas of weakness to target, such as strength imbalances or limited endurance, enabling precise programming.
  2. Efficient Use of Time
    Rather than following a cookie-cutter plan, testing ensures every session is purposeful and aligned with your goals.
  3. Measurable Success
    Retesting provides proof of progress, fostering motivation and a sense of achievement.

Commit to Progress with Central Athlete

Testing is not a one-time event—it’s a continuous process of discovery and refinement. This sample intermediate testing week demonstrates the value of assessing multiple fitness domains to create a balanced, effective program.

At Central Athlete, we use testing to ensure every aspect of your training and nutrition aligns with your goals. Ready to optimize your fitness journey? Book a strategy session today and take the guesswork out of your progress.

Your best results start with knowing where you stand. Let’s test, adapt, and elevate your performance together.