Central Athelete Program Design

Date - Each day of the design will be identified:
Example:  12/6

Weight training:
Movement @tempo; reps x sets; rest time

Example: BS @20X1; 3-5 x 5; rest 2-3 min

Weight training sets – Every 75, 90, 120 sec:
Example: SJ from blocks – every 75 sec for 12 sets – build 10# every set from 155#

Example: Hang SS from mid thigh – every 90 sec for 8-10 sets – Not Tng @ 70-75%

Percentage effort:
10 min AMRAP @80%: 30 WL 5 burpees 30 DU

Metabolic conditioning:
5 RFT @85%: 10 thrusters - 135# 10 burpees 10 CTB CU

Cyclical aerobic work:
Modality @Metric – Pace

Example: Row 500m @1:52 - 500m Rest 2:30 x 5

Example: AD 30 sec @85% AD 30 sec @50% x 25-30

Every minute on the minute:
Example: EMOM 10 min – 5 SC -135# + 30 DU

Example: EMOM 14 min: odd – 40 DU even – 6 burpee

Sets @RPE or %:
5 sets @consistent effort or 80-85%: 10 KBS - 2pd 10 PS - 75# 10 BJSD - 24” 10 WL

Continuous set:
WL; 20 total steps x 3; rest 2 min WL; 10 steps/leg x 3; rest 60 sec b/t legs

SA OH lunge; 10 steps/leg; x 4; rest 2 min - alt arms per set

Notes will be implemented in the comments section when needed.

Example:  BS @20X1; 2-3 x 5; rest 2-3 min - Work on speed out of the bottom, fast, acceleration

Rest will be denoted after each set or at the end of the conditioning piece.

Example: 5 sets @85%: 10 alt DB snatch - 50# 10 burpees rest walk actively 3 min b/t sets