Fitness Is A 401K For Your Body

Stop trading your health for wealth.

As your career path is moving forward, so should your health.

Face it - one day you will die and what happens before this is a slow decline in muscle mass, entropy and sarcopenia.

Statistics show that 53% of men and 42% of women are sarcopenic over the age of 80.

Surprisingly, it is NEVER too late to increase muscle mass. Studies show that older individuals are able to increase muscle mass just as much as their younger counterparts. The only difference is the recovery ability between the populations.

This is where Central Athlete comes into play. One of the biggest things we as health and fitness consultants have control over is to help resist or delay muscle loss.

If you don’t have the health (overfat, lack of energy, trouble sleeping, low libido, pain, etc.) required for daily function, it takes time and consistency to create measurable improvements.

Health isn’t created in a 6 week challenge or a 90 day physique transformation. Becoming healthy takes consistent practices applied over time.

Same with increasing your net worth, becoming a great athlete or being a great parent - TIME and CONSISTENCY are the principles that will create long term success.

To speak with one of our fitness consultants today on how to structure your life to support your deepest values then click here - FREE CONSULT