Open Gym in Austin, Texas

Clients demand more time to train and being restricted to a specific time is very limiting. The concept of an Open Gym in Austin, Texas or availability of gym space with no formal group classes included, is very much an under-utilized platform for many gyms.

While there are Open Gyms in Austin, Texas such as 24-Hour Fitness, Anytime Fitness, Gold’s Gym or YMCA, there is undoubtedly a difference in the style of training and equipment available at these mega-gyms versus a functional fitness style gym (assault bikes, ski-ergs, squat racks, bumper plates, kettlebells, Olympic lifting bars, etc.).

Where does a client go to get the most out of his or her training? One can only improve so much during a 45-60 min group fitness class during the week, even if they go every day.

Here at Central Athlete, we implement a unique model where clients with varying goals and abilities all come together under one roof to follow their individually designed fitness program under the leadership and guidance of their own coach. The coach is responsible for everything from the clients daily programming to providing accountability on their nutrition.

It’s the best of all worlds: community, fitness, personal attention, client-centered goals, results and safety. Gone are the days of gutting through the demands of an RX workout with weight the client cannot control or having to perform pull-ups with a band each time. With this model, the client is getting a workout that is just right for them and pushes them to their own personal limits because the coach knows exactly what the client can and cannot do and prescribes workouts accordingly.

Our Open Gym in Austin, Texas setting breeds community, fosters individual growth and ensure continuous results for every client that walks through our doors.