You're not 18 Anymore, Stop Training Like It!

You’re not 18 anymore, stop training like it! You aren’t the same as you were 20 years ago. You have grown into a mature adult who makes educated and thoughtful decisions about everything you do, including your fitness. Meet Craig.

Craig didn’t come to Central Athlete to compete in competitions or lift like he did in high school. Heck, his training program rarely requires a barbell. He came to Central Athlete to train to be the best version of himself for the people that he holds closest to his heart: his family.

“I joined Central Athlete so that I could train in a way that would make me better and able to do the things I want to do on an everyday basis. That means keeping up with my three-year-old while not being completely embarrassed by his mobility versus my own, picking up my kids, furniture, or other things without worrying about "throwing out" my back, and being able to play in whatever way looks like it would be fun at any moment.”

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Being a successful lawyer, husband and father of two, time is precious. Creating balance in his life is a priority. In order to excel in life and at work, he must first take care of himself. Having the ability to train on his time versus a set class time has been critical for creating balance. We’ve all been there: one phone call or email, an impromptu meeting, and our whole schedule is thrown off. Even more challenging is travel. Having the assurance that your training doesn’t have to take a back seat when you’re on the road helps maintain the balance needed for productivity.

Having the ability to communicate with his coach—whose sole purpose is to deliver results and hold accountability— is value added. Craig can express what he needs when he is on the road, and his coach is available to collaborate.

“The ability to respond to my goals and program in a way that is diverse, fun, and moves me in the right direction has been amazing. It has made the last eight months of training absolutely enjoyable because I can see purpose behind everything I do, instead of something that feels like a shotgun approach to fitness.”

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Don’t take it from us coaches. Take it from Craig, who wears multiple hats and excels in every arena: Fitness is a top priority and facilitates his success at everything else.

“Thanks to my whole team, my experience could not be better at Central Athlete," he says.