Henry's Story: It's Never Too Late To Make Yourself a Priority

Henry Brewton, 58, is not your typical Central Athlete client. Before he began a remote program with Coach Chris Banks, who’s based in Connecticut, he had “zero fitness/training background.” 

“I witnessed the decline of my parents because of their poor diet and inactivity, and I constantly hear complaints from most people my age about how they feel fat, old, and can’t do certain things like stand up easily,” says Henry, a widower who lives in Pensacola,FL. “I decided I wasn’t willing to give myself to that mindset.”

When Henry turned 56, he says he began following an online yoga instructor, Dean Pohlman, founder of Man Flow Yoga, who connected him to CA. Dean is a CA client, and also collaborates with CA to recommend it to his yoga clients who want to add on resistance training through a personalized approach. 

“Because of Dean's reputation and the improvements I had experienced with his program, I figured I’d participate in CA’s trial offer. I was 57 when I started with CA…and I was at a place in life where I wanted to be functionally fit (and look hot when I’m in my 90s!). I subscribed out of curiosity. By the end of the trial period, I had experienced some notable improvements in how my body felt. 

“In addition to the culture of CA and the holistic approach, I’ve appreciated the virtual aspect because it has allowed me the benefit of privacy while I worked through my awkwardness with physical activity, in my home away from the gym rats. Additionally, I feel the virtual aspect has made me more accountable because I don’t have Chris present to hold my hand.”

Coach Chris, in keeping with CA’s model for remote clients, consults monthly with Henry and monitors his progress through regular check-ins via the True Coach app. This approach—which also includes various online resources such as articles in the CA newsletter, video discussions and ongoing interactions with coaches—gives clients like Henry the “supported” autonomy that facilitates their sense of accomplishment. 

“I definitely recommend CA’s program. This has been the best investment I’ve ever made in myself.”

Henry says CA’s unique, personalized platform, as well as Chris, his “inspiring” coach—have supported him in maintaining his fitness goals. His first goal? “To run a 5K.” 

He not only accomplished that, but finished 3rd in his division. Now he’s moved on to strengthening his upper body, continuing to build muscle and improving flexibility.

Chris credits Henry for his achievements: “What makes Henry incredibly successful is the ownership he takes over his health and fitness. He has developed into one of the best movers I have ever worked with in my career, and I have never laid eyes on him in person. He leans on me as a resource and to help problem-solve when issues arise, but he knows and has demonstrated that he is the only one that is ultimately responsible for his continued success—and he deserves all the credit.”

For Henry, the positive psychology he’s developed because of his hard work plays a crucial role: “I don’t have to spend hours upon hours working out to see results,” he says. “I just have to be consistent. My biggest accomplishment is the self-confidence I’ve gained regarding my appearance and physical being. Talk about a boost to mental health! Because of this change in my mindset, I have ventured out and made some other major changes this year and I am loving life.”

Among these changes: “The biggest was leaving the security of a job I hated for much of the last 20 years and choosing to be self-employed in a different field.” Henry quit his job as a CPA in local government and took a leap of faith to become happily self-employed as an insurance agent. 

He adds: “[And] I finally decided to do something fun, for me, and learned to ride a motorcycle. Finally, being comfortable with telling people ‘no.’ Self-confidence is a wonderful gift.”

Whether you are a seasoned veteran in the gym or have never stepped inside of one, Central Athlete’s remote services are right for you. Our truly individualized approach meets you where you currently are and moves you forward in a way that leaves you feeling confident and empowered. Don’t let the fear of the gym or lack of experience keep you from prioritizing your health and schedule a free strategy session with a remote coach today!