June 1, 2024
Fast This Way - The Dos and Don’ts of Fasting and Why You May Want to Consider Practicing!
WRITTEN BY Michael Richwein

Maybe you’ve heard of fasting, or even tried it for yourself but weren’t quite sure of the science behind it, health benefits, or even how to begin. Many of us might be skeptical of alternative methods for optimizing our health and confused by all of the available information on the internet.

This was the story for Michael’s client, whom we will call “Joe” in order to keep his identity anonymous. Michael inherited Joe’s case through a combination of role change, coach transition and a desire for continued engagement with Central Athlete.

When Michael met Joe, the two quickly built a solid rapport. Michael learned about Joe’s health history, fitness goals, personal background, and more over the course of their first three or so months’ working together. The one thing that stood out to Michael most was that Joe deeply trusted the process and coaches at Central Athlete, and was willing to do whatever it took to achieve the health outcomes that he desired.

Joe was consistent, communicative and clear about his goals—ideal characteristics for success when working with a coach! It was November of 2023 and he had just left his annual physical exam, where the doctor ran some baseline testing, blood labs and more. Joe’s numbers indicated some higher than optimal ranges, leading to potential health concerns. Some of those ranges can be seen below;

Total Cholesterol: 244 (normal value <200 mg/dl) - high

HDL Cholesterol: 29 (normal range >40 mg/dl) - low

LDL Cholesterol: Off the chart - when Triglycerides are above a certain value, LDL can not be calculated accurately.

Triglycerides: 469 (normal value <150 mg/dl) - dangerously high

Coach Michael asked Joe if he was willing to try an alternative method, or something a bit unconventional, before resorting to medication, with his doctor’s approval of course. Joe agreed and so began the journey back to health!

Enter Intermittent Fasting →

As someone who has utilized this ancient practice for the better part of ten years, Michael not only believes in the benefits but also has seen the evidence of this practice positively played out in his own health outcomes.

Fasting elicits many benefits for the individual including physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual outcomes. Some of those benefits can be seen below;

There are even studies that indicate the use of Intermittent and other fasting protocols for prevention of cancer development and progression. In fact, many cultures around the world are known to use fasting for cancer prevention due to its propensity to kill off dead, dysfunctional cells in the human body (also known as autography) and support regeneration at the cellular level. Our cells replicate and reproduce at an exponential rate and with the appropriate protocol, we are capable of redirecting our energy expenditure. Instead of digesting and metabolizing food, biological processes will focus on eating away at and killing off the dysfunctional cells in the body for optimal health. As with anything, we would always recommend consulting your physician before determining your best practice.

Whatever your goals are for fasting, it is imperative that you have a sound action plan, addressed with a coach, approved by a medical professional and tailored to your specific needs!

Some of the most common practices for fasting include;

  1. Not ingesting any food within 60 minutes of waking.
  2. Not ingesting any food 2-3 hours before bed.
  3. Ideally sleeping 8 hours—leveraging sleep-related fasting window.
  4. 16:8 fasting/eating ratio—8-hour consumption window ideal.
  5. Regular placement of the eating window is important.
  6. Ideal placing of fasting window = extended sleep-related fast through middle of the day. (Consider exercise schedule for optimal results.)
  7. Using glucose disposal agents/behaviors (walking, lemon/lime juice, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, etc).
  8. Ingesting enough H2O & salt for hydration and mineral support.
  9. Consulting with a practitioner you trust prior to beginning.

What is ideal for you is predicated on the context of your lifestyle, demands, schedule and what you are willing and able to do consistently.

Again, back to Joe: In February of 2024, Michael and Joe met for their monthly consultation on a “walk and talk” appointment—a great way to connect with your coach, while getting in some steps, fresh air and sunlight (all things that Michael and Joe have been working on incorporating). Joe reported back to Michael that he has seen some tremendous progress in his health. Some of the reported benefits were increased quality of sleep, better energy throughout the day, weight loss (approximately 18lbs) … and you guessed it—improved bloodwork at his follow-up appointment.

Joe’s most recent bloodwork showed the following;

Total Cholesterol: 214 (normal value <200 mg/dl)—slightly high, trending in the right direction

HDL Cholesterol: 31 (normal range >40 mg/dl)—low, trending in the right direction

LDL Cholesterol: 153 (normal range <100 mg/dl)—still high, but trending in the right direction

Triglycerides: 164 (normal value <150 mg/dl)—very close to in range, and trending in the right direction.

Each value has shown movement in the direction of increased health outcomes and evidence of benefit from incorporating intermittent fasting. We couldn’t have been more pleased with these results!

In Joe’s own words, “With the help of Central Athlete's fantastic coaches, I was able to bring my dangerous lipid levels under control through a combination of intermittent fasting, diet, and exercise.”

Proud of you Joe, keep up the great work!

At Central Athlete, we believe that testing is better than guessing; it allows our coaches to better assess and understand our clients’ needs and gaps, helping to serve them most effectively. To schedule your blood labs on-site at our Austin location, click here - for members or here - for non-members.

If you want to be like Joe, but are unsure of where to start, book a Free Strategy Session with a Central Athlete coach today and begin YOUR journey back to health!

Disclaimer; We are not claiming to be doctors, nor are we stating that fasting is a cure all. We are simply advocating for some of the benefits associated with fasting practices, and leaving the rest up to the medical professionals. They will order appropriate testing, exams and other additional screenings as necessary to determine the best course of action per individual. This article is not intended to provide a fool proof method for disease management, rather, to highlight the health outcomes associated with fasting practices.

Central Health - Our Revolutionary Approach to Healthcare
Meet the Team - Mike Pleshar, Floor Coach
Meet the Team - Michael Richwein, Client Operations & Remote Coach
Meet the Team - Dalton Ridley, On-Site Coach
Meet the Team - Andy St. Germain, On-Site Coach
Meet the Team - Amanda O'Brien, Co-Founder