May 14, 2018
How To Grow: Rebuild
WRITTEN BY Amanda O'Brien

This is part four of our five-part series on how to grow, avoid plateaus and experience adaptation over a long period of time.

Breaking down your muscles becomes null and void if your body is unable to rebuild.

There are 4 essential components that allow your muscles to rebuild and repair after a training session.


First we need to remember that training is a purposeful stressor on the body and in order to grow and adapt, we must first break down. This can be referred to as hormesis; what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. But when there is too much stress on the system, the immune system weakens and the body will be unable to rebuild and adapt to stress.


Supplementing at the wrong time can have a big impact on your gains and your body’s ability to rebuild. Various supplements, such as fish oil, will blunt the hormetic stressor of training by decreasing the natural inflammatory response. Understanding the right time to take various supplements is crucial in obtaining all the possible benefits.

Post-Workout Nutrition

Taking your PWO shake or meal too soon after a workout, while the body is still in a sympathetic state, will decrease the body’s ability to digest and assimilate important nutrients needed for the rebuilding process. Taking the PWO shake too late will miss the body’s optimal time to utilize the nutrients efficiently. Understanding this sweet spot for ingesting your PWO shake is key in gaining the slightest edge in your training.


Various hormones are released at specific times of the day based on the Circadian Rhythm. In regards to resistance training, testosterone is highest in the morning, roughly 3 hours after waking if Circadian patterns are optimal. This would be the best time for resistance training in order to maximize the benefits of muscular breakdown and rebuilding.

Looking for that slight edge in your performance but are unsure what protocols will work best for you? Click the link below to schedule a free strategy session and learn more about personalized coaching and how a Central Athlete coach can align your training, nutrition and lifestyle with your specific fitness and health goals.

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